The Golden Retriever was developed in Britain during the 1800's. The man responsible for this illustrious breed, Lord Tweedmouth, wanted a dog that was loyal, kind, spirited, and energetic. He also wanted a dog with a love for water and the ability to retrieve. Golden Retrievers are the embodiment of beauty and brains.
Golden Retriever: de-stressor in the midst of college exams
There are many ways students deal with the stress of finals. Depending on the circumstances, some go for a long walk outside, others practice avoidance,and even still some push through relentlessly until the cumbersome task is complete. At Clarkston University, the use of a energetic, charming Golden Retriever seems to do the trick. Provided by his owner, the dog was the center of attention during student's study week. Who wouldn't want their study intermissions spent petting and interacting with man's best friend.
Clarkston Universities' Director of Libraries Michelle L. Young states, "Studies show interaction with animals lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, improves physical and mental health, and gives a feeling of well-being."
(Source: NCnow News)